Friday, December 20, 2013

2013 Remembered

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

What's next????

As this year starts closing in on me I start to get that itchy feeling about making changes!  I can't help it, I am not one to sit still too long, in fact, my home at 440 has proven to be the longest address that I have stayed at since I lived with my parent's in high school!  The itchy feeling is supplemented with the new found options that my husband Brent has brought to the table a Masters in Education Administration.  With this certification comes more options, bigger doors, and an untouched world....  

But tonight I stepped outside to the slicker than snot front porch that we have decorated with lights, there are two flags flying - one for our country and one for our community - each of these flags are radiating the beauty of the snow and ice that lay all around!  This is where God put me, this is where I have support, this is where I am happy - why do the thoughts of the bigger world dance in my head? 

I am not sure - this is who I am, this is how the Snyder's think - we are global, we are not boxed in, we dream!  Once again  - WE DREAM!!!!

Our dreams are fun, but our foundation is solid - God put us here for a reason!

This posting is on peace, trust, and faith....  very simple!